Sunday, June 17, 2012

Is wondering ~ Are your kids eating this too???

I just saw this article from one of writers on The Stir on Cafe Mom about some of the grosse and SCARY stuff we're feeding out kids... Are you ready to clean out and keep it out???? After reading some of these things I sure as heck was. I can't put it in any better words than they did by saying :” Well Parents we've just been served a big dose of OMG, it's time to Freak out!!!”

So after reading this article I started doing my own independent research and guess what??? Our kids favourites may be causing them some serious harm. BPA in our kids soups, and other canned goodies.
My girls are 4 and 8 so both were born before they taught us that BPA is seriously toxic. So they did use the plastic bottles and what nots but that's only because I didn't KNOW any better! Now that I know that Bisphenol-A is one nasty toxin they use their own cups at home and only mom-approved bottles to drink from outside the home!
And then along comes this study (yet another one I might add) That claims that the things we've been feeding our children may secretly be HARMING them! 6 of the canned foods out there specifically made for children are toxic they claim. Every one of them came back with BPA in the food. These tests were done by the Breast Cancer Fund. My kids are truly not big on can-food they prefer mom's home cooked meals BUT for quick lunches or dinners they truly are ToyStory , Spagetti or Princess devoted! I do allow them the soups and canned foods because they are a lot healthier than the snacks! Now I learn something new... These soups have BPA in them so I suppose again I was sadly mistaken.

Product testing by the Breast Cancer Fund has uncovered bisphenol A, the estrogenic chemical linked to breast cancer in lab studies, in canned foods marketed directly to young kids.
BPA in Kids' Canned Food report, highest levelsFor our report, BPA in Kids' Canned Food, the Breast Cancer Fund tested six different canned foods marketed to and consumed by kids:
Annie's Homegrown Cheesy Ravioli
• Campbell's Disney Princess Cool Shapes, Shaped Pasta with Chicken in Chicken Broth
• Campbell's Spaghettios with Meatballs
• Campbell's Toy Story Fun Shapes, Shaped Pasta with Chicken in Chicken Broth
• Chef Boyardee Whole Grain Pasta, Mini ABC's & 123's with Meatballs
• Earth's Best Organic Elmo Noodlemania Soup

Every food sample tested positive for BPA, with Campbell's Disney Princess and Toy Story soups testing the highest.
The levels of BPA we found in these canned foods marketed to children are of great concern because BPA disrupts the body's delicate hormonal systems. While a child-sized serving of these foods may result in BPA exposure at a level of concern, the repeated servings of canned soups, pastas, vegetables, fruits that a child eats in a week, in a year, and throughout her developing years, are what drive our Cans Not Cancer campaign.

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