I've been thinking a lot about the different cancers and how there is so many cases and causes that it's often overwhelming. I know this is a more serious subject but I'd like to talk about it anyways. Cancer has touched our lives in so many ways. People we know are effected by it on a daily basis. Whether it is somebody we know and care about personally or it's their loved one or just somebody who we've heard of. Cancer is a scary thing and we as people can make changes in our own homes and lives to downsize the chances of being as susceptible to it. We are still daily exposed to our environment and there are things we can not change but there is some things we can and those things I'd like to share with you all.
One of the main things is the toxins we have in our homes. Did you know that the carcinogen's in our homes are often what are the leading causes for cancers and other illnesses like astma, other internal organ failures and birth defects in children?! Residues of more than 400 toxic chemicals – some found in household cleaners and foods – have been identified in human blood and fat tissue.The list of Chemicals in common household products is endless but to name a few -
Acetone – it's a skin irritant. Neurotoxic. Used in art products, paint removers and thinners.
Acid Blue9 –Acidtoxic. Teratogenic. Used in Toilet Bowl cleaners and deodorizers
Calcium Carbonate –Moderate to severe eye irritant. used in all purpose cleaners.
DEET – eye and skin irritant. Sensitizer. Neurotoxic. Readily absorbed into skin. Used in some mosquito repellants as well as pet flea control products.
When you put shampoo or conditioner onto your scalp, the 20 blood vessels, 650 sweat glands, and 1,000 nerve endings soak in the toxins!
These are the 5 most toxic shampoo ingredients :
#1: Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate. Studies link it to skin and eye irritation, organ and reproductive toxicity.
#2: Dioxane. It is linked to brain, kidney, liver, and central nervous system damage.
#3: Diethanolamine. It reacts w/ nitrite preservatives to create nitrosodiethanolamine, a potent carcinogen.
#4: Propylene Glycol. It is considered a strong skin irritant and can cause liver and kidney damage.
#5: Parabens. Traces of parabens were found in every tissue sample taken from 20 different breast tumors.
The risk for Leukemia increases by 4 to 7 times for children under the age of ten who's parents use garden and home pesticides.
In 1990 over 4000 toddlers were admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to the exposure of toxic household related cleaner injuries. That very same year over 18000 pesticide-related hospital emergency room admissions were reported with almost three-fourths for children age fourteen and under.
Not a single cosmetic company warns consumers of the presence of carcinogens in its products - despite the fact that a number of common cosmetic ingredients are carcinogenic or carcinogenic precursors.
Some experts estimate that 20 percent of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases among women are attributable to their use of hair dyes.
These lists are both endless but what can we do as consumers to protect ourselves and our families? A good start is to change ALL of your household products to safer more effective ones. Nature has always known exactly how to protect us so we should stick to what Mmother Nature has to offer.
Other things you can do if you chose to stick to the good old Mr.Clean and Gang just like Mama always did ~
- read all labels very carefully before using and be aware of the dangers and warnings
- Leave products in their original containers with the labels clearly visible
- Never never ever put household cleaners into food containers!!!!
- Do not mix these toxic products unless the label tells you so. This can cause explosive or toxic chemical reactions. Even different brands of the same product may include incompatible ingredients.
- If you are pregnant, avoid toxic chemical exposure as much as possible. Many toxic products have not been fully tested for their effects on the unborn.
- Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using hazardous products. Traces of hazardous chemicals can be carried from hand to mouth. Smoking can start a fire if the products are flammable
Steinman, David and Samuel Epstein, MD, The Safe Shopper's Bible, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1995.
Steinman, David, Diet for a Poisoned Planet, Ballantine Books, 1990, $12.50.
Berthold-Bond, Annie, Clean & Green, The Complete Guide to Non-toxic Housekeeping, Ceres Press, 1989, $8.95.
Dadd, Debra Lynn, The Nontoxic Home & Office, Jeremy Tarcher Press, 1992.
Harte, John, Cheryl Holdren, Richard Schneider and Christine Shirley, Toxics A to Z: A Guide to Everyday Pollution Hazards, University of California Press, 1991.
Needleman, Herbert and Philip Landrigan, Raising Children Toxic Free: How to keep Your Child Safe from lead, Asbestos, Pesticides and Other Environmental Hazards, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1994.
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