Thursday, June 14, 2012

Working from home....What's your Why?

Working from home....What's your Why?
Anyone who has ever considered a home based business had a reason for wanting it. Maybe it was more money, time with family, flexible hours, to be your own boss, pay off debt, save for children's education - vacations - or retirement. I don't know your why for requesting more information about wanting to start a home business, but I do know that every person who honestly requests information had one or more reasons when they requested it.

Work at Home United is an incredible team where you receive a free web site, training by phone and computer, your own personal mentor to guide you, an awesome company to work with, and an amazing support team of people across the United States are here to help you reach your goals. Also, our business opportunity is guaranteed. If it's not for you, you can get the money you spend back for up to 4 months.

You may be saying I don't have the time now - Neither did other successful people when they started. Almost 5 years ago, I myself had 5 children at home, and a budget that was falling short of covering our needs. I knew I wanted to make a change for myself and my family but with a special needs child a I didn't know how I would find time to fit one more thing into my life. BUT I also knew I needed to make the time, otherwise I would have even less time and more stress at the pace we were going.

You may be saying I don't have the money now
- If you don't have it now, ask yourself when will you? Without a plan and determination you may never have it. We can help with the plan you need to supply your own personal drive.

You may be saying I don't think I can do it - If you don't try you'll never know. I have always been an incredibly shy person, I used to stress out just calling to order a pizza. If I can do this business anyone can!

To run a home business you need to be willing to learn, you need to be able to work without supervision, you should be a self-starter, a leader and able to look at your efforts of today with long-term goals in mind. I am looking to team up with people who have the drive and desire to change their current situation, are honest, dependable and ready to start. Is that you? I look forward to talking with you soon if it is. Right now is the perfect time to get started!

Make it a great day!
~Brandy Luing

There are very few guarantees in life, yet one thing is certain -- if you never attempt anything, you'll
never accomplish anything. We frequently are held back by fear of failure. And failure is always a
possibility. It is a certainty, however, when you never try in the first place. You become what you
think about most. When you continually focus on the fear of failure, failure will become real for you.
Look instead at the possibilities. Look at what could happen if only you would attempt it. Sure, it
might not succeed completely. Yet even then you will learn something. - Ralph Marston

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