Friday, July 5, 2013


I Quit!
Have you ever lost heart? Have you ever wanted to quit? Have you felt discouraged, defeated, or distracted because of someone else’s success, or your lack thereof?
I know I have.
I recently had a friend call me to ask me how “so-and-so” was succeeding, and why things weren’t going the same for her. We’ve all been there before….
Today—I want to help you to put this feeling into perspective and put your emotions in their place in order to help you finish your race, at the pace that is planned for your life.
Have you ever thought that perhaps those people were placed in your life to encourage you? People who are more successful than you are—have stronger marriages, or experiencing great accomplishments to show you what is possible?
When you see or hear about other people succeeding or doing what you want to do, don’t get jealous. Don’t think “this is never going to happen for me” or “they had exceptional breaks in their business”. Get rid of that negative thinking! Get beyond the barriers of the past and expect great things for YOUR life .
Perhaps these people have been placed in your life to inspire you. When you see their joy, victory, and achievement say “I am so happy for them! I know I can be blessed in a similar way! I know I can have a successful business! I know I can have a great marriage! I know I can be happy!”
There’s a seed inside of you trying to take root right now. Hope and expectancy can bring forth a tremendous harvest in your life! You may be struggling right now—but it’s time for promotion!  Don’t look to the left, don’t look to the right—don’t look at what others are doing. Look ahead, and be focused on your goals and celebrate your growth along the way!
When we waste valuable energy comparing ourselves to others we are overlooking our potential, and the opportunity for growth in our own life. We might be trying to emulate something someone else is doing, and in the meantime missing our calling because we aren’t doing what we are supposed to be doing! We may have been given a way to do things bigger, and better—but perhaps we’ve missed it as our focus is placed on the wrong things!
Focus on YOUR MISSION and increase YOUR VISION! It’s your time to shine!

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