Thursday, November 29, 2012

Juice Plus vs. Melaleuca's Provex Plus

Heard About the “Magic”of Super Juices?
Not surprisingly, It May Be More Fairytale than Fact!

Nowadays, it seems like there are
hundreds of companies trying to
market their latest “magic” juice. These
juices—many of which are sourced
from obscure locations in the Pacific,
Asia or the Amazon—often come with alluring
tales of miracle cures and healing properties. With
few exceptions, these juices claim to be the most
powerful antioxidants available. Some claim to
have “antioxidant super power.” So we decided to
put these so-called “magic” juices to the test. We
asked Brunswick Labs, a well known independent
laboratory, and Melaleuca scientists to conduct
scientific tests on the “magic” juices and ProvexCV®.
Just for fun, we decided to include purple grape
juice in the test. The tests were quite revealing! In
fact some of the juice companies might feel they
are too revealing! Before we get to the results ...
here are a few of the published statements about
the antioxidant and free radical properties of some
MonaVie claims that the acai berry used in
their juice is one of the “world’s top superfoods”
and is “rich ... in antioxidants.”1 There’s a big
difference, however, in the level of antioxidants
found in the acai berry and the lesser amount
actually shown in a serving of their juice.
Kyani refers to their juice as having an
“unmatched antioxidant superpower.”2 Xango
claims its juice product contains “powerful
antioxidants.”3 Tahitian Noni claims its juice is
“one of the world’s great super-antioxidants.”4
FreeLife claims you can protect yourself from “the
constant attack of ‘Free Radicals’” by drinking
GoChi® juice.5
So, what is the truth? Are these “magic” juices
really the world’s greatest super-antioxidants?
Well … maybe not. Melaleuca isn’t in the juice
business. We’re in the wellness business. We
don’t sell a “magic” juice with claims to cure all
that ails you. We believe that to do so would
violate principles of ethics and good judgement.
In truth, there’s generally little, if any, science
to back up many of the claims made about the
“magic” juices. But there are well-accepted tests
that measure antioxidant power. Using these
tests, scientists can compare a variety of products
or juices side by side. So, we thought it would
be enlightening to see how these “magic” juices
compare to each other and to one of Melaleuca’s
proven products: ProvexCV®.
ProvexCV has several key proven benefits
such as reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation,
supporting healthy platelet activity and
supporting endothelial function (a fancy word
for the degree of elasticity of artery walls).*
ProvexCV is designed to support a healthy
cardiovascular system. ProvexCV is also an
exceptional antioxidant! In fact, it’s one of the
best antioxidants you can buy.
The tests involved two well known
antioxidant measurements: ORAC (Oxygen
Radical Absorbance Capacity) and FRAP (Ferric
Reducing Antioxidant Power). The ORAC
test measures how well an oxidative agent
(fluorescein) is destroyed when combined with
antioxidants. FRAP is similar in principle and
measures the ability of a substance to reduce
oxidation. ORAC and FRAP are the most widely
accepted methods of measuring antioxidant
strength and are commonly used for testing juices
and juice-like products.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Here are the results from the ORAC test:
One serving of ProvexCV was shown to have almost 3
times the ORAC value of a serving of the highest scoring
magic juice and over 6 times the average score of all the
magic juices. Many juice users may also be surprised to
see that grape juice, in a similar serving size, has twice the
ORAC value of most of the magic juices.
The FRAP analysis had similar results:
The FRAP analysis showed that ProvexCV has over
6 times the antioxidant strength compared to the average
score of the “magic” juices. In the FRAP analysis, grape juice
had more antioxidants per serving than all but
two of the magic juices.
Now, why is this significant?
1. These tests confirm the indisputable antioxidant
superiority of ProvexCV. No juice even came close to its
antioxidant strength.
2. “Magic” juices are not a very good antioxidant value for
your dollar spent. A daily average serving of MonaVie Acai
juice, for example, costs about $4.60 regular price, while an
eight-ounce serving of Welch’s® Grape Juice costs about $.50.
And, according to the ORAC and FRAP tests, grape juice
provides more antioxidants to protect against free radicals
than MonaVie Acai Juice.
3. Any business opportunity is only as strong as the product
and, more importantly, the value of the product that business
sells. Without proven and value-oriented products, all the
miracle-cure advertising and folklore in the world may do
little to help create a solid business opportunity.
Here are a Few Examples of Proven Value-Oriented
Products You’ll Find at Melaleuca:
The Vitality Pack™ With Oligofructose Complex™, the
minerals in the Vitality Pack are shown to be 10 times more
available for absorption6 and protect antioxidant vitamins 5
times better than some of the top-selling supplements.7
Renew™ Renew lotion was shown to work faster, better
and last longer than Eucerin® at relieving dry skin in a
clinical study with people who suffer from eczema.
EcoSense™ Melaleuca’s EcoSense Tub & Tile™ cleaner, for
example, cleans better, costs less, and is safer for your home
than the leading grocery store tile cleaner.
MelaPower® saves you money and creates less impact on
the environment when compared with the leading grocery
store laundry detergent.
Many other examples of great Melaleuca products
• Sustain® Sport hydrating drink mixes cost less and have
twice the electrolytes as a serving of original Gatorade®
10 Leadership In Action Magazine
• FiberWise® fiber drink mixes have more soluble fiber and
fiber from psyllium husk per serving than the best-selling
grocery store brands.
• Melaleuca® Liquid Soap leaves your hands moisturized and
costs less per use than the best selling brand name liquid
• Envia shampoo protects and treats your hair with two
patented formulas. And this is just a short list of the over
300 value-oriented products available at Melaleuca.
So the bottom line? There’s a lot less juice in the “magic”
juices and a lot more value at Melaleuca.
Melaleuca has real products with real science. You can
take great confidence in the fact that Melaleuca sells a broad
portfolio of well-researched products to help keep your
customers shopping month after month.
With Melaleuca, you are in the right place at the right
time. You can build your business with confidence knowing
that Melaleuca backs you with real products, for real people
who really want them!
§The following product amounts were used for the ORAC and FRAP tests:
Welch’s® 100% Grape Juice, 4 oz; MonaVie, 3 oz; Pharmanex® g3®, 4 oz;
Xango® Juice, 2 oz; Freelife Gochi®, 2.5 oz; Kyani Sunrise®, 1 oz; Juice Plus+®
Orchard Blend, 2 capsules; eXfuze™ Seven, 1.5 oz; Tahitian Noni®,
1 oz; and Juice Plus+® Garden Blend, 2 capsules.
†One serving of ProvexCV for 175-pound male.
‡For Welch’s® 100% Grape Juice, a four ounce serving size was used to be
similar to other juice recommended daily use amounts.
1Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
2Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
3Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
4Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
5Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
6Based on solubility of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc at intestinal pH
[7.0–7.2], compared to One-A-Day® and Centrum®.
7The copper in Melaleuca’s oligofructose complex form generates 5 times
fewer free radicals than the unbound minerals used in One A Day® and
July 2009 11

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