Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Advantages of Working at Home Moms

In 2007, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 71.3 percent of mothers worked in the labor force. This means more than half of all moms work at least part-time to contribute financially to the family. However, not every working mom leaves home to get her job done. Many work from a home office. There are several advantages of working-at-home moms.

  1. Flexible Schedule

    • Moms who work from home have a more flexible schedule than traditional jobs offer. Whether you are an independent contractor or telecommute with your traditional job, you can likely schedule your meetings around school functions and extracurricular activities. Because your office is in your home, you have the opportunity to work when others cannot, after the kids are in bed or early morning, before they wake up. Many work-at-home moms choose to work on the weekends, too, if it fits in the family's schedule.

    Available for the Kids

    • Working at home gives your kids the advantage of having you near, whether you use childcare or not. With younger children, many work-at-home moms prefer to work around the baby's sleep schedule, opting to work before the little one wakes, during naps and after baby goes to bed. As the children age and go to school, you can increase your workload and still be home to meet the bus after school. Work-at-home moms do not take time off when a child gets ill. After tucking the sick one in bed, you walk down the hall or stairs and get your work done. If an older child needs help with homework, his work-at-home mom helps him through it. Working from home allows you to be available for your kids.

    Reduced Work-Related Expenses

    • A mother who works from home does not pay for parking, gas to commute or public transit. You likely make your own lunch instead of going to the corner deli and do not feed quarters to the office vending machines. You do not have to update your wardrobe or buy accessories to look professional. You also save money on your dry cleaning bill because you do not have to wear professional attire in your home office. Keeping your children home instead of sending them to daycare saves you thousands of dollars a year. Because you probably drive less, you also save money on car maintenance, like oil changes, brakes and tires.

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